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Bundler Support

Some bundlers require additional configuration to work with PGlite.


If you come across any issues with PGlite and a specific bundler, please open an issue, we'd also love any contributions to this bundler documentation if you're able to help out.


When using Vite, make sure to exclude pglite from dependency optimization using the optimizeDeps option inside vite.config.js:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  optimizeDeps: {
    exclude: ['@electric-sql/pglite'],

Additional configuration for the Multi-tab Worker

When using the Multi-tab Worker, you might encounter errors during a production build related to workers being bundle in iife format, to resolve this modify the worker.format option in vite.config.js to 'es' (the default is 'iife')

import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
  optimizeDeps: {
    exclude: ['@electric-sql/pglite'],
  worker: {
    format: 'es',

When importing the worker in your script, hou can use the recommended ?worker import method from Vite:

import PGWorker from './worker.js?worker'

export const pglite = new PGliteWorker(
  new PGWorker({
    type: 'module',
      name: 'pglite-worker',
      // ...your options here


When using Next.js, make sure to add @electric-sql/pglite to the transpilePackages array in next.config.js:

const nextConfig = {
  swcMinify: false,
  transpilePackages: [
    '@electric-sql/pglite-react', // Optional

export default nextConfig