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Extension Development

PGlite has support for both Postgres extensions, and has its own plugin API that allows a developer to augment a PGlite instance with an additional API.

Extension API


The extension API is not yet stable and may change in a future release.

PGlite extensions are an object with the following interface:

export interface Extension {
  name: string
  setup: ExtensionSetup

export type ExtensionSetup = (
  pg: PGliteInterface,
  emscriptenOpts: any,
  clientOnly?: boolean,
) => Promise<ExtensionSetupResult>

export interface ExtensionSetupResult {
  emscriptenOpts?: any
  namespaceObj?: any
  bundlePath?: URL
  init?: () => Promise<void>
  close?: () => Promise<void>

name is the human readable name of the extension.

setup is a function that receives the following parameters, and returns a promise that resolves to an object conforming to ExtensionSetupResult:

  • pg
    The PGlite instance that the extension is being added to
  • emscriptenOpts
    The options currently configured to pass to the Emscrption Module factory, including the Emscript FS.
  • clientOnly
    A boolean indicating if this instance of the extension is "client only", meaning that it is on the main thread and doesn't have direct access to the underlying WASM as it is running in a worker. When true, emscriptenOpts and bundlePath should not re returned as they will have no effect.

The returned object has these properties - all are optional:

  • emscriptenOpts
    Any augmented or altered configuration to pass to the Emscrption Module factory.
  • namespaceObj
    An object to add as a namespace to the PGlite instance; this can provide access to additional methods or properties that your extension would like to expose.
  • bundlePath
    The path to the Postgres extension tarball - see Building Postgres Extensions
  • init
    An initialisation function that will be run after the PGlite instance and Postgres runtime has started, but before the instance is marked as ready for external usage. You can use this to perform any initialisation your extension needs to perform on the database at startup.
  • close
    A function that will be called when the user calls close() on their PGlite instance; this is called before the database has been shut down.

An example of a PGlite extension that augments the PGlite instance is the live query extension.

Building Postgres Extensions

We are still working on documentation and examples showing how to build Postgres extensions for use with PGlite. Please check back soon, or reach out on Discord if you would like to try building a particular extension for PGlite.